Slater Smith
Name: Slater Smith After GDA I attended Ohio Wesleyan University. In hindsight this was probably one of the better things that happened to me. Got out of New England so I could see how much I really liked the area and was a larger fish in a smaller pond, able to Captain its Golf Team and be elected President of my fraternity, SAE. All good learning experiences, but I had a long way to go! After OWU, the War loomed and I somehow got into the Tuck School and then an Army Reserve unit in Mass. where they sent me to Fort Ord, Calif. from Dec. through May in order to climb telephone poles. Needless to say we played alot of golf on the Monterrey peninsula (Pebble Beach was $10), while thankful that I wasn't freezing at Fort Dix or boiling in Nam. Never could understand the Army, but I have a tremendous appreciation for the hell a number of my friends and others went through in that war. Working was always at Bank of Boston and in some capacity of commercial lending. The highlight was running our US commercial area in the early nineties when all banking was under great pressure, particularly the Northeast. In any case, it was timely providing stock options, etc. that allowed me to give it up in the late nineties and help tend to some family challenges anong with an attempt to regain a deteriorating golf game. Married Suzy in '72 and moved to Sherborn, Ma. in '74. No change in either since then. Slater, Jr was born in '75 with cerebral palsy and is a quadriplegic. He's had a very tough life by my standards, but has managed to maintain a good sense of humor most of the time. He has lived in a state school, on his own, in a nursing home, in a group home, and is now back in a nursing home where he seems most happy, mingling with the younger staff. Our task is getting him out several days a week. Our daughter, Corey, was born in '78 and has been terrific. She graduated from Bowdoin, is working for the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, and was one of six acceptees for an Art History and Object's Restoration program at NYU/MFA in September. While my life has been simple (it seems), I can say that I have grown up, but I'm not sure when it happened...