Ken Pouch

From: "Pouch, Kenneth"
To: "'Tay Vaughan'"
Subject: RE: Special Edition
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 15:25:41 -0500

Tay, here's a brief chronology of my life after GDA for our growing reunion file.

'62-66: Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL (played in NCAA Division III mid-west soccer final senior year against Jebs Selden me on the left wing, he on the right!)

'66-'71: US Marine Corps. OCS and finished up as a Captain in 2d Force Reconnaissance Co, USMC's equivalent of the Navy's SEALS.

'71-'74: Special Agent, FBI. Washington, DC, Baltimore, MD, Pittsburgh, PA. Specialties - Organized crime, white collar crime.

'74-'83: Head of International Forensic Accounting/Insurance Fraud Department for CIGNA Corp. based in Hartford, CT and Philadelphia, PA.

'83-'99: Comptroller, CIGNA Corp

'99-present: CIGNA Corp and MASSMutual Financial Group based in Hartford, CT and Springfield, MA. Union Pension Sales and union market development.

Through all these jobs and years, never crossed paths w/ any of our classmates.

Three Pouch cousins have attended GDA since my graduation.

That's it for now.


Kenneth A. Pouch Jr.
Managing Director
Taft-Hartley Practice Leader
MassMutual Financial Group
1295 State Street
Springfield, MA 01111-0001
413.744.5523 Tel.
413.744.8497 Fax

Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 17:14:41 -0400
Subject: GDA62 Biographic Information
More Pouch bio data to supplement the earlier job related stuff.

- Married Mary in 1968 (in Hawaii on R&R from Vietnam). Now happily married 34 years and have lived in W. Hartford CT since 1973.

- We have three children, Carrie (born at Camp Lejeune, NC), Kenny and Katie (born in Hartford, CT). They live in Baltimore, the Big Apple and Boston, respectively. Carrie and husband, Glenn, have one child, Jack, and I can report that grandparenting is a great hobby!!

Have to get going. May do yet another chapter this week.